WOD 23-04-2020

WARM UP 3 ronds of (PICA) -20 x dislocate -30′ O.H squat iso -20 x O.H lunge -30′ O.H squat iso CORE WORK: A.M.R.A.P 8′ -V-crunch x 10 -plank rot x 10 -hollow rock x 10 -plank & push x10 METCON: A.M.R.A.P 15′ -Cluster x 5 -box step x 20...

WOD 22-04-2020

Calentamiento 4 rounds of: 1´plank iso 10 push up 20 squats 30 mountain climbers Metcon 1 Interval 18´ 2´Diamond Push up 2´Goblet squat 2´Shoulder press 2´Sit up 2´plank iso Metcon 2 2 Rounds for time: 30x Deadlift 30x Hang Clean 30x Front Squat 20x Burpees over bar...

WOD 21-04-2020

WARM UP 2′ Run/Skipping 40 Jumping Jacks 30 Squat 20 Good Morning 10 Slow Burpee STRETCHING Hamstring Ankles SKILLS Pistol Squat METCON AMRAP Ladder 8′ Pistol Squat One hand db. Clean & Jerk (each hand) 2′ Rest For Time 100 Burpees step box...

WOD 20-04-2020

WARM-UP/STRETCHING A) TBT *Tiempo de descanso skiping -Jumping jack -Squat -Burpee -Jumping knees to chest B) 3 ROUNDS 20 Butterfly 20 Lanzadas de pierna(lateral, frontal y trasera, L & R) 20 Good morning 20 Side to side squat STRETCHING MIDDLE SPLIT 1.Standing...

WOD 17-04-2020

WARM UP: – 100 j. Jacks – 20 squats – 15 push ups mountain – 10 hollow rocks ×3 – 100 j. Jacks STRENGTH/SKILL E.M.O.M. 12’ – 15 Marcar lean planch – 15 Pseudo push ups – 30” H.S. METCON A.M.R.A.P. 10’ – Max....

WOD 16-04-2020

WARM-UP 3 ROUNDS OF… 1′ plank iso 1′ squat iso 1’back extension 1′ 1/2 push up Metcon E.M.O.M 16′ Complex 5x dead lift 5x clean 5x push press 5x front squat 3′ rest time FOR TIME 21/18/15/12/9/6/3/1 -Diamond push up -sit up...

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